Palestinian CHILDREN are facing tragedy and are in dire need of your help.


May 2021 - August 2022 Once again, Palestinians are facing tragedy and are in dire need of your help. At least 48 people in Gaza have been killed and more than 300 wounded in recent attacks (August 5-7). Israeli forces raided Al-Aqsa Mosque, over 150 Palestinians injured on April 15th. 🚨 And Over 40 Palestinians injured on the last Jumuah of Ramadan on April 29th!

In the past few months (according to UNRWA): 

Over 256 Palestinians have been killed
Hundreds of Palestinian homes have been illegally destroyed and confiscated 
Out of those killed, at least 70 are children and 40 were women
Over 7,500 Palestinians are displaced
Over 2200 have been wounded 
14,000 homes of Palestinian refugees were destroyed 
Over 156 orphans are now lost and alone
141 schools, 9 hospitals, 19 primary health care centers were damaged or destroyed
Over 256 Palestinians have been killed
Out of those killed, at least 70 are children and 40 were women
Over 2200 have been wounded 
Over 156 orphans are now lost and alone
Hundreds of Palestinian homes have been illegally destroyed and confiscated 
Over 7,500 Palestinians are displaced
14,000 homes of Palestinian refugees were destroyed 
141 schools, 9 hospitals, 19 primary health care centers were damaged or destroyed
Thousands arrested, including children, when resisting illegal occupation

And this is all during a pandemic. Where is the aid? 

The violence isn’t ending…

A ceasefire was declared, and then violated as Gaza continues to be shelled, and Palestinian neighborhoods continue to be destroyed.1,106 friction incidents occurred in these few months, leaving civilians on the ground continue to suffer.

Just because it isn’t on the news anymore doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

Palestinians continue to suffer in silence. And the world has chosen to ignore them as the death toll keep rising. But these people are more than numbers. Behind every number is a broken family, a mourning mother, a wounded father, an orphaned child. Broken hearts. They all had hopes, dreams, ambitions. And it all, within days, it crumbled.

Will YOU wake up and help them be heard, or stay silent?

The violence isn’t ending…

A ceasefire was declared, and then violated as Gaza continues to be shelled, and Palestinian neighborhoods continue to be destroyed. 1,106 friction incidents occurred in these few months, leaving civilians on the ground continue to suffer.

Just because it isn’t on the news anymore doesn’t mean it isn’t happening.

Palestinians continue to suffer in silence. And the world has chosen to ignore them as the death toll keep rising. But these people are more than numbers. Behind every number is a broken family, a mourning mother, a wounded father, an orphaned child. Broken hearts. They all had hopes, dreams, ambitions. And it all, within days, it crumbled.

Will YOU wake up and help them be heard, or stay silent?

 Palestine NEEDS US.

Though a ceasefire was called, it was violated. Violence continues as Palestinians fight for their lives through home evictions, shellings and expulsions.

Watch Shaykh Alaa Elsayed's Appeal For the People of Palestine.

Palestine NEEDS US.

Though a ceasefire was called, it was violated. Violence continues as Palestinians fight for their lives through home evictions, shellings and expulsions. 

Though it may seem the conflict has ended, the oppression has not

800,000 Palestinians are without pipe water currently

With the economy already in shambles, crops and trees are also getting burned to hurt the Palestinian economy and food sources even further

Many libraries and places of commerce are now rubble, as the very cultural identity and economic stability is being ripped from the seams

More wounded are filling the hospitals as the violence continues to escalate despite the ceasefire

With all the violence, the mental health of the Palestinians continue to crumble as they are faced with unfathomable loss, grief, stress, and trauma.

The children have not had a chance to heal from their pain - who will help them? Who is listening to them?

It isn’t a war if only 
one side has an army.

It isn’t a war if only one side has an army.

These events are ones we hear and read about in history books. But this is happening NOW. Our actions will show on which side of history we will stand on.

Behind the events, there is a human being with a beating heart who is crying for our help.
A human being who is hungry.
A human being who is homeless.
A human being who is hurting.

They need our help. Help them find relief.
Your donation will help them rebuild their lives, piece by piece.

The people of Palestine are wondering where we are. Will the world stay silent, or will we answer their call?

We need to save them before more children, more mothers and fathers, more hopes and dreams, become a statistic.

We need to save Palestine.

The people of Palestine are wondering where we are. Will the world stay silent, or will we answer their call?

We need to save them before more children, more mothers and fathers, more hopes and dreams, become a statistic.

We need to save Palestine.

What are we doing to help?

Partnering with trusted International NGOs, like UNRWA, Humaniti is providing essential aid to families as tensions and tragedies continue to unfold. 

With your support, Humanti will:

What are we 
doing to help?

Partnering with trusted international NGOs, like UNWRA, Humaniti is providing essential aid to families as tensions continue and tragedies continue to unfold.

With your support, 
Humaniti will:

Supply urgent medical equipment and medicines to emergency hospitals 

Distribute food parcels, clothing and food vouchers to affected families. 

Support orphans

Provide psychosocial services to help children cope with, and overcome trauma

how it works

About Us

Humaniti is a nonprofit with a mission to change the world. We work collaboratively with a diverse set of stakeholders to offer hope and help break the cycles of poverty - and thus alleviate suffering amongst the most vulnerable locally and across the globe.

About Us

Humaniti is a nonprofit with a mission to change the world. We work collaboratively with a diverse set of stakeholders to offer hope and help break the cycles of poverty - and thus alleviate suffering amongst the most vulnerable locally and across the globe.

Some of our supporters

giving levels

Humaniti is committed to responsible and transparent stewardship of funds received from our dedicated donors. While we will ensure specified funds for countries are allocated accordingly, should these funds not be eligible for various reasons, Humaniti reserves the right to direct these donations to other projects benefitting vulnerable communities.


Are these campaigns Zakat Eligible?

Definitely. You can designate your donation as Zakat. 

What forms of Payment do you accept for donations?

Credit Card, Debit Card, Paypal, Google Pay, Apple Pay. 

What currency can I donate in?

You can donate in your local currency in checkout! Any currency is accepted. 

Will the organizations receive my donations?

Yes. This is an amana for us that we take seriously and all organizations receive your donations. 

Where is Muslimi headquartered?

We are headquartered in Canada. 

Where can I see all of my donations?

You can view and manage your donations here on our Donor Portal.

Do you accept recurring donations?

Yes! You can set up a recurring donation and manage your recurring donations easily on our Donor Portal. 

How may I contact you?

You can contact us at

Can I start my own campaign?

Please send us an email so we can explore if we can help you with your fundraising goals. 

What is Zakat?

Zakat is one of the five pillars of Islam. It requires a Muslim to pay 2.5% of their wealth once he or she reaches the minimum amount of wealth within a year. 

Can we take it if we are pregnant or nursing?

Pregnant women should avoid taking black cumin seed extract or oil. But do consult your physician.

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About Indus Health Network

The Indus Health Network (IHN) provides quality healthcare absolutely free of cost to millions of deserving patients through its countrywide network of hospitals in Pakistan. Starting with only one hospital in Karachi in 2007, IHN is now managing multiple tertiary and secondary care Hospitals, Physical Rehabilitation Centers, Regional Blood Centers, Community Health Centers, and a Public Health Program spread across 52 districts of Pakistan.

Indus Hospital’s purpose is to provide indiscriminate, quality healthcare to all in a state-of-art hospital in Pakistan. IHN is a not-for-profit healthcare system that solely relies on public donations. To achieve its purpose, IHN is partnering with individuals, corporates, international donor agencies, educational institutions, international affiliations, and the provincial and federal government.

Is Friends of Indus Hospital and The Indus Hospital, Pakistan the same?

No, they are both different entities. The Indus Hospital is a hospital based in Korangi, Karachi which provides quality medical services free of cost to all irrespective of religion, caste, creed, age, gender and financial status.

On the other hand, Friends of Indus Hospital (FOIH) is a US-based 501(c) (3) registered charity which supports the efforts of Indus Health Network by raising awareness and generating funds from the communities across USA.

Does Indus Hospital charge any money from the patients?

No, the patients at the Indus Hospital are charged $0 for every visit and treatment.

What are the ways I can donate to Indus Hospital?

You can donate to the Indus Hospital in multiple ways including:
  • PayPal
  • Venmo
  • ​Zelle
  • ​Credit Card
  • ​Donate to our campaign
  • ​Feeling Blessed
  • ​Double your Donation/Matching Gift
  • ​Amazon Smile
  • ​Call us to Donate

Why support Indus Health Network

Since its inception, millions of patients have been treated at The Indus Hospital absolutely free of cost. This would not have been possible without the generous support of our donors. By supporting us you help us ensure that we have access to the latest equipment and up-to-date medical facilities for patient care; that we provide our healthcare professionals with latest professional development training; and opportunities for research and innovation endeavors.

Are these donations tax deductible?

Yes! Friends of Indus Hospital, Inc (FOIH) is a US-based 501(c)(3) registered charity, established to support the efforts of Indus Health Network in providing quality healthcare services Completely Free of Cost to under-served patients in Pakistan. All donations given to FOIH are eligible for tax deduction under US law

What is childhood cancer?

Childhood cancer (also called pediatric cancer) typically refers to a cancer that is found in children and teens, and sometimes young adults. It is not just one disease. There are many types, which can be found in different places throughout the body.

The most common cancer in children is leukemia, a type of blood cancer. Cancer can also occur in organs and tissues such as the lymph nodes (lymphoma), nervous system (brain tumors) and muscles, bone and skin (solid tumors).

Does cancer treatment save lives?

Cancer treatments do in fact regularly save lives. However, one of the challenges of a cancer diagnosis is the need for continued treatment making your support all the more necessary for those who have nowhere to turn.

Is my donation Zakat eligible?

Yes! Approximately 70% of our recipients are Zakat Eligible.

What is the average cost of cancer treatment?

You can cover the entire treatment for a child for $5000 USD!

How is my Zakat money spent? Who is it spent on?

The Zakat donations that we receive from our donors are distributed among Zakat eligible patients for whichever treatment they are receiving from Indus Health Network facilities.

What are your guidelines for distributing Zakat Donations?

The Indus Hospital provides quality care without any discrimination, free of cost through the support of your Zakat and Donations.

With the help of reputable Sharia Scholars, The Indus Hospital (TIH) has developed a criterion to ascertain if Zakat is applicable to a certain individual. Whenever a patient visits the Indus Hospital, he/she goes through the assessment with TIH’s welfare officer to determine if the patient is eligible for Zakat or not.

Once the recipient of Zakat is identified, their MR number is marked to signify that the patient’s treatment should be supported from Zakat account. The patient is requested to sign a declaration granting the Indus Hospital permission to collect Zakat on their behalf and to use that Zakat to sponsor the treatment of his/her and/or other patients or hospital requirements. Once the patient is discharged, hospital generates an internal bill and sends it to the Zakat Committee for settlement.